Chen SF;Cheng WJ;Chao CC;Kuo CH;Liao RM*, 2024.12, 'Baseline-dependent enhancement of working memory by memantine in male rats: Involvement of NMDA receptor subunits and CaMKII signaling, ' Pharmacol Biochem Behav, Vol.245, pp.173904.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chao CC;Huang CL;Cheng JJ;Chiou CT;Lee IJ;Yang YC;Hsu TH;Chen JJ*;Huang NK*, 2022.12, 'SRT1720 as an SIRT1 activator for alleviating paraquat-induced models of Parkinson’s disease. (IF=11.4, Q1), ' Redox Biology, Vol.58, pp.102534.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Liu, PP;Chao, CC*;Liao, RM*, 2021.06, 'Task-dependent effects of SKF83959 on operant behaviors associated to distinct changes of CaMKII signaling in striatal subareas. (IF=5.678, Q1), ' Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, Vol.24, No.9, pp.721–733.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Liu PP;Chao CC*;Liao RM*, 2021.02, 'Lack of effect of dopamine receptor blockade on SKF83959-altered operant behavior in male rats, ' Chin J Physiol, Vol.64, No.1, pp.1-15.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chuang CY;Tsai SY;Chen SF;Yang YH;Chao CC;Yen NS;Liao RM*, 2021.01, 'Neurobiological changes in striatal glutamate are associated with trait impulsivity of differential reinforcement of low-rate-response behavior in male rats, ' Neurobiol Learn Mem, Vol.177, pp.107352.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hsu SW;Gong CL;Hsu HM;Chao CC;Wang YC;CHANG WS;Bau DT*, 2019.07, 'Contribution of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Promoter Genotypes to Nasopharyngeal Cancer Susceptibility and Metastasis in Taiwan, ' Cancer Genomics & Protemics, Vol.16, pp.287-292.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Wu MH;Tsai CW;Bau DT*;Hung YW;Gong CL;Chao CC;Yueh TC;Wang SC;Lai YL;Hsu SW;Chang WS, 2019.06, 'Contribution of caspase-8 genotypes to colorectal cancer risk in Taiwan, ' Anticancer Research, Vol.39, No.6, pp.2791-2797.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tao CC;Cheng KM;Ma YL;Hsu WL;Chen YC;Fuh JL;Lee WJ;Chao CC;Lee EHY*, 2019.05, 'Galectin-3 promotes Aβ oligomerization and Aβ toxicity in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, ' Cell Death & Differentiation, pp.e1-e18.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yang SP;Lo CY;Tseng HM;Chao CC*, 2019.04, 'Knockdown of protein kinase CK2 blocked gene expression mediated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor-induced serum response element, ' Chinese Journal of Physiology, Vol.62, pp.63-69.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chen SF;Chuang CY;Chao CC;Yang YH;Chu CY;Liao RM*, 2019.02, 'Task-dependent differences in operant behaviors of rats with acute exposure to high ambient temperature: the role of hippocampal dopamine reuptake transporters, ' Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol.13, No.0, pp.15.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chang, CM;Chao, CC*, 2013.06, 'Protein Kinase CK2 Enhances Mcl-1 Gene Expression through the SRF-Mediated Pathway in the Rat Hippocampus, ' Journal of Neuroscience Research, Vol.91, No.6, pp.808-817.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Chao CC;Ma YL;Lee EHY*, 2011, 'Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Enhances Bcl-xL Expression Through Protein Kinase Casein Kinase 2-Activated and Nuclear Factor Kappa B-Mediated Pathway in Rat Hippocampus, ' Brain Pathology, Vol.21, No.2, pp.150-162.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Chao CC;Ma YL.;Lee EHY*, 2007, 'Protein kinase CK2 impairs spatial memory formation through differential cross-talk with PI-3 kinase signaling: activation of Akt and inactivation of SGK., ' J. Neurosci., Vol.27, pp.6243-6248..(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chao CC;Chiang CH;Lee EHY*, 2006, 'Molecular mechanism of the neuroprotective action of GDNF: role of protein kinase CK2., ' Neurobiol. Aging, Vol.27, pp.105-118..(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chao CC;Ma YL;Chu KY;Lee EHY*, 2003, 'Integrin av and NCAM mediate the effects of GDNF on dopamine neuron survival, outgrowth, dopamine turnover and motor activity in rats., ' Neurobiol. Aging, Vol.24, pp.105-116..(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Lee EHY*;Hsu WL;Ma YL;Lee PJ;Chao CC, 2003, 'Enrichment enhances the expression of sgk, a glucocorticoid-induced gene, and facilitates spatial learning through glutamate AMPA receptor mediation., ' Eur. J. Neurosci., Vol.18, pp.2842-2852..(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yang SN;Yang JM;Wu JN;Kao YH;Hsieh WY;Chao CC, 2000, 'Prenatal exposure to morphine alters kinetic properties of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic currents in the hippocampus of rat offspring., ' Hippocampus, Vol.10, pp.654-662..(SCI) Ref.
Chao CC;Lee EHY*, 1999, 'Neuroprotective mechanism of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor on dopamine neurons: effects on antioxidation., ' Neuropharmacol., Vol.38, pp.913-916..(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Tang YP;Ma YL;Chao CC;Lee EHY*, 1998, 'Enhanced GDNF mRNA expression upon (-)-deprenyl and melatonin treatment., ' J. Neurosci. Res., Vol.53, pp.593-604..(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Lin T.P.*, 1996, 'Content of adenylate nucleotides and energy charge in the early stage of germination of orthodox and recalcitrant seeds., ' Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin, Vol.37, pp.229-237.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Chen SF;Chao LC;Hsu WC;Lu XY;Wang CY;Chen SK;Chao CC*;Liao RM*, 2022.11, 'Striatal CK2 mediated DARPP-32 phosphorylation associates with impulsive action measured by a differential reinforcement of low-rate response task in rats, ' Neuroscience 2022 annual meeting, Society of Neuroscience, pp.148.09.(*為通訊作者)
Chao CC*;Chen SF;Hsu WC;Lu XY;Wang CY;Liao RM*, 2022.03, 'Protein Kinase CK2-mediated signaling involves in the impulsive behavior of DRL task, ' The 36th Joint Ann Conference Biomed Sci, The Chinese Physiological Society, pp.#112710.(*為通訊作者)
Hsu TH;Chao CC;Huang NK*, 2016.03, 'SRT1720 Improved Mitochondrial Function and Prevented Paraquat-Induced death in SH-SY5Y Cells, ' The 31th Joint annual conference of Biomedical Science, The Chinese Physiological Society, pp.P782.(*為通訊作者)
Hsu PC;Chao CC*, 2015.03, 'The role of protein phosphatase 1 in the CK2-mediated anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL expression, ' 30th Joint Ann Conference Biomed Sci, The Chinese Physiological Society, pp.P887.(*為通訊作者)
Huang, Chuen-Lin;Chao, Chih-Chang;Lee, Yi-Chao;Lu, Mei-Kuang;Cheng, Jing-Jy;Huang, Nai-Kuei*, 2014.10, 'The functional roles of mitochondrial permeability transition pore and apoptosis-induced channel in mediating paraquat-induced cytotoxicity, ' The Abstracts book of Targeting Mitochondria 2014, World Mitochondria Society, pp.ID206.(*為通訊作者)
Chao, Chih-Chang;Liu, Pei-Pei;Liao, Ruey Ming*, 2014.08, 'Effects of SKF 83959 on rat’s operant performance and CREB expression in the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, ' Journal of Neurochemistry, Asian Pacific Society Neuroscience, pp.130 (S 1): p 48.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
Wu, Chian-Yun;Chao, Chih-Chang*, 2014.03, 'Protein Kinase CK2-mediated Nrf1 Signaling Pathway Involves In The Protective Mechanism Of Honokiol, ' 29 Joint Ann Conference Biomed Sci, The Chinese Physiological Society, pp.P731.(*為通訊作者)
Hung, Chen Ting;Chao, Chih-Chang*, 2013.03, 'Down-expression of CK2/DARPP-32/GAD67 signaling pathway in the striatum of MPP+-treated rats, ' 28th Joint Ann Conference Biomed Sci, The Chinese Physiological Society, pp.P301.(*為通訊作者)
Chao CC;Ma YL;Lee EHY*, 2010, 'BDNF enhances Bcl-xL expression through protein kinase CK2-activated and NFkB-mediated pathway in rat hippocampus., ' Tohoku University-Taiwan Neuroscience Workshop for Young Scientists, pp.PP-35.(*為通訊作者)
Liu K.C.;Yang Y.C.;Chao C.C.;Lee E.H.Y.*, 2007, 'Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK) phosphorylates retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARa) and regulates laminin beta 1 (Laminin B1) expression., ' Joint Ann. Conference Biomed. Sci., pp. P24..(*為通訊作者)
Chao C. C.;Lee E. H. Y.*, 2005, 'CK2 inactivation of serum- and glucocorticoid- inducible kinase via PP2A diminishes the anti-apoptotic effect of CK2 in rat hippocampus., ' 11th International symposium on neural regeneration, pp.No. 61..(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Ma Y.L.;Lee E.H.Y.*, 2004, 'Molecular mechanism of the neuroprotective action of GDNF: role of protein kinase CK2., ' 34th Society for Neuroscience, pp.P 1605..(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Lee E.H.Y.*, 2003, 'Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor increases protein kinase CK2 activity in rat substantia nigra., ' Joint Ann. Conference Biomed. Sci., pp.P263..(*為通訊作者)
Lee E.H.Y.*;Hsu W.L.;Ma Y.L.;Lee P.J.;Chao C.C., 2003, 'Environmental enrichment enhances the expression of sgk, a glucocorticoid-induced gene, and facilitates spatial learning through glutamate AMPA receptor mediation., ' Joint Ann. Conference Biomed. Sci., pp.P223..(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Chu K.Y.;Chen S.K.;Lee E.H.Y.*, 2001, 'Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor promotes dopamine neuron outgrowth and dopamine neuronal function through enhanced integrin v and NCAM expression., ' Joint Ann. Conference Biomed. Sci., pp.P 203..(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Chu K.Y.;Chen S.K.;Lee E. H. Y.*, 2000, 'Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor promotes dopamine neuronal function through enhanced NCAM expression., ' 30th Society for Neuroscience, pp.P 1605..(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Lee E.H.Y.*, 1998, 'Alternations of antioxidant enzyme systems and behavior in rats by intrastriatal injection of glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor., ' 28th Society for Neuroscience, pp.P 40.(*為通訊作者)
Chao C.C.;Tao P.-L.;Wu J.-N.;Liu D.M.;Yang S.-N.*, 1997, 'The modulation effects of prenatal exposure to morphine on the iontropic glutamate receptor in the different development stages of hippocampus of rat offspring., ' 24th military surgery conference, pp.P114..(*為通訊作者)